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These are the most-right-swiped people on Tinder – Metro.co.uk

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Some people are absolute pros on Tinder.
Their bio is funny but not too much, and they match everyone they swipe right on themselves.
It’s all a numbers game at the end of the day, but some people are doing serious numbers indeed.
Tinder has announced their most right-swiped daters, and brought them in for a photoshoot for Cosmopolitan to show the world what all the fuss is about.
By the looks of things the hilarious bio doesn’t seem to matter too much, as plenty of these Tinder pros have nothing in there at all.
A big turn of for these lot is the topless selfie and the dreaded gap-yah-sedated-tiger pic, as well as sunglasses and Snapchat filters in your shots.
Check out Tinder’s finest. You never know, you might have swiped right for them already.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Tolerant of your beliefs, judgemental of your shoes. Future MILF.”
Opening line? They always talk to me first.
Best date you’ve had? The one where just before the date came to an end, he asked me what other skills I was hiding. I told him that I could sing, so he called his friends and we went to a karaoke bar until 4am.
What makes you swipe right? Their eyes and their smile.
What makes you swipe left? Square-toed shoes.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Happy chap.”
Opening line? “Hola!” Often they’ll be like, “Oh, are you Spanish?” and I’m like, “No…” It’s worked every time.
Best date you’ve had? We played Top golf. I couldn’t do it, so we just had a laugh.
What makes you swipe right? If they’re good-looking!
What makes you swipe left? A crude bio. Or if all their photos are group ones.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Stunner x.” It’s a Dundee thing.
Opening line? I always let them speak first because I think it’s more gentlemanly.
Best date you’ve had? At the cinema. It was just so comfortable and normal.
What makes you swipe right? A tan and good teeth.
What makes you swipe left? When the picture they use is not a photo of them.
What’s your Tinder bio? I don’t have one, but I’ve set my Spotify anthem [on Tinder] to Hall & Oates’ ‘You Make My Dreams’.
Opening line? I’m never the first to talk… that’s really bad!
Best date you’ve had? At a bar and then on to a cocktail bar.
What makes you swipe right? Tall rugby players!
What makes you swipe left? Something weird in their bio, like references to foot fetishes.
What’s your Tinder bio? My Instagram, my height and my university.
Opening line? A funny GIF.
Best date you’ve had? The zoo. If you have a laugh, it’s not so pressurised.
What makes you swipe right? Funny pictures. I have swiped right on people before simply because I haven’t been able to stop laughing at their profile. In a good way, of course!
What makes you swipe left? People who seem arrogant.
What’s your Tinder bio? What I studied at uni and my Instagram.
Opening line? I try to target something in their pictures, like an interest.
Best date you’ve had? Talking for hours over the dinner table in his kitchen with a takeaway.
What makes you swipe right? A really good smile.
What makes you swipe left? Too many selfies and body pictures.
What’s your Tinder bio? “5’2. Born and raised Londoner. You’ll do.”
Opening line? “Now, then…” or “You’ll do.” If they respond, I’ll ask about their favourite crisps.
Best date you’ve had? I really love dinosaurs – Jurassic Park is one of my favourite films – so he took me to the Natural History Museum.
What makes you swipe right? Dark hair, light eyes, a bit of stubble and a cheeky smile.
What makes you swipe left? Pouty and posy selfies.
What’s your Tinder bio? “I’m a shortie.I hate people who step on escalators slowly. I love the sea.”
Opening line? “But do you have a puppy?”
Best date you’ve had? We went to a racing track. It was so cool. You can’t not have fun.
What makes you swipe right? Somebody who looks like they have a fun life.
What makes you swipe left? Generic selfies, topless photos, overly white teeth.
What’s your Tinder bio? My old job title and “University of Leeds”.
Opening line? “I find you a-peel-ing”, with banana emojis. It usually goes down well.
Best date you’ve had? It was kind of the best and worst: I was in Vegas with a friend and made it clear to my date beforehand that my friend and I wouldn’t separate. I assumed he’d bring someone, but he turned up alone. The three of us learned to play blackjack!
What makes you swipe right? Someone smiley who looks fun.
What makes you swipe left? Sunglasses in every photo.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Need someone to share pasta with, eating it on your own can get cannelloni sometimes.”
Opening line? “Would you rather have your commute narrated by David Attenborough or your internal monologue by Morgan Freeman?”
Best date you’ve had? With a boy I met on holiday. We went for dinner on a sunny rooftop, followed by a late-night trip to the beach.
What makes you swipe right? Someone who’s tall, dark and handsome – but also smiling.
What makes you swipe left? Topless bed selfies and Thailand tiger gap-year pictures.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Not as grumpy IRL as I look in photos.”
Opening line? A sassy GIF of Beyoncé or Honey Boo Boo.
Best date you’ve had? It’s also my worst. We had oysters at the beach. We both felt so ill, and my bus wasn’t for two hours.
What makes you swipe right? Rebellious-looking people.
What makes you swipe left? Photos of the back of their head!
What’s your Tinder bio? “Why do Norwegian ships have barcodes on the side? To Scan-da-navy-in.”
Opening line? A GIF of a woman waving frantically. People reply 90% of the time.
Best date you’ve had? The zoo. You don’t have to worry about finding something to say.
What makes you swipe right? Someone who looks pretty relaxed and is dressed smartly.
What makes you swipe left? Men in white jeans.
What’s your Tinder bio? “I’d try and woo you with herb and fish jokes, but I don’t know if this is the thyme or the plaice.”
Opening line? “I hope you like my chat-up line”, then I send a line emoji.
Best date you’ve had? At some hidden waterfalls in Greece. It was a cool adventure.
What makes you swipe right? A funny bio.
What makes you swipe left? Topless selfies.
What’s your Tinder bio? “I am label-free, gender non-conforming, and a ‘one-of-a-kind collectible’,” a quote from American drag queen Violet Chachki.
Opening line? “Kakaw, kakaw, I’m an eagle!”
Best date you’ve had? With a boy who went on to become one of my good friends. It was really romantic and ended with that princess moment where you kick up the heel of the foot and kiss the guy.
What makes you swipe right? Interesting pictures and beautiful faces.
What makes you swipe left? Someone who looks the part yet only exudes beige.
What’s your Tinder bio? My name and my location.
Opening line? “Hello :)” It’s worked out so far.
Best date you’ve had? At Go Ape, on a whim. It was different, and sometimes one-to-one can be a bit intense.
What makes you swipe right? Nice hair, that’s always a bonus.
What makes you swipe left? If they come across as judgemental in their bio.
What’s your Tinder bio? “I like it simple and honest. Chemistry is all that matters. Terms and conditions apply.”
Opening line? “How’ve you been?”
Best date you’ve had? I matched with someone who lives in Panama, but we didn’t manage to meet. We kept in touch and ended up going on a date in London six weeks later.
What makes you swipe right? A genuine look.
What makes you swipe left? When all the pictures are selfies.
What’s your Tinder bio? “London Boy.” [He grew up there.]
Opening line? “Tell me an interesting fact about yourself.”
Best date you’ve had? I’m not huge on the “let’s go for a drink” thing. My perfect date would be Laser Quest!
What makes you swipe right? I quite like it when people have done cool stuff. Anything that’s not just five selfies.
What makes you swipe left? Snapchat filters. That’s off-putting.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Loves dogs, seeing friends, travelling.”
Opening line? If there’s something interesting in their pictures or bio, I’ll ask about that.
Best date you’ve had? I went with a Spanish girl to Bunkers del Carmel, these civil war ruins that have the highest vantage point over Barcelona. The language barrier was made easier by how picturesque it all was.
What makes you swipe right? When a profile seems like an honest reflection of a person, not totally staged.
What makes you swipe left? Snapchat filters. Instant swipe left.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Love the outdoors and dogs. Value laughter, a good Negroni and the simple things in life. Ideally looking for someone to build a fort with in the living room of a Sunday. Let’s grab a drink?”
Opening line? “Is there a boyfriend I should be concerned about?”
Best date you’ve had? Probably when I was in Sydney using Tinder internationally to meet new people. I went to a bar with my date, and then we met up a couple more times to explore the city together.
What makes you swipe right? Good pictures and taste in music.
What makes you swipe left? Obnoxious bios making demands like, “If you’re not gym-fit, don’t swipe right”.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Midlands boy, living in the big smoke.”
Opening line? Just the typical, “Hey, how are you?” It tends to work.
Best date you’ve had? When we ended up doing shots with the barman in a tapas place! It all got a bit crazy.
What makes you swipe right? Aesthetically, a great smile and eyes.
What makes you swipe left? People in sunglasses. It’s like,”Hello, I can’t see your eyes!”
What’s your Tinder bio? It’s deliberately blank.
Opening line? “Where are you from?” Everybody’s up for answering that.
Best date you’ve had? Being taken to a good restaurant and having my wine preferences described perfectly to the sommelier. I’d have thought that behaviour on a date was tacky, but I was surprised by the knowledge behind it.
What makes you swipe right? Someone who looks natural and whose photos were taken by others.
What makes you swipe left? When pictures seem to include their exes.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Southern-Irish guy. Dancer in Riverdance and have travelled the world touring. Now teach kids. Primary-school teaching degree with German. Model. Love all sports; athletics, football, tennis. Animal lover – especially dogs!”
Opening line? I usually chat about something in their bio.
Best date you’ve had? A second date. We walked on Brighton pier at sunset. I was due to fly out that night, but changed it last-minute.
What makes you swipe right? Someone who’s physically active.
What makes you swipe left? Cockiness.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Down to earth guy looking for mates and dates. Love to travel and any excuse to see the world and explore new places.”
Opening line? “Hey, how’s you?” Straight to the point.
Best date you’ve had? Watching Sunset Boulevard. We had orchestra seats and it was amazing because I’d never done anything like that before.
What makes you swipe right? Career-minded people. I’m a sucker for a suit.
What makes you swipe left? Snapchat filters or no bio.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Irish Citizen with a British accent. If you need an EU passport without arousing the suspicions of your Brexit family, I’m your man. Dog ownership a plus. References available upon request.”
Opening line? I personalise it each time.
Best date you’ve had? We went into Primark with 10minutes and £15 to buy each other an outfit, and did a mini-golf course dressed up.
What makes you swipe right? If they seem to have a life outside of social media.
What makes you swipe left? Exclusively group photos.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Ideally, I’m looking for dark hair, a red jumper and quite a large face.” It’s a quote from from Nighty Night.
Opening line? I don’t often open the conversation.
Best date you’ve had? Mini-golf. We sacked the game off halfway round the course because we were just getting on so well.
What makes you swipe right? Images of dogs go down a treat.
What makes you swipe left? Overly-posed pictures. They’re a bit of a boner-killer.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Student and Shirley-from-EastEnders stunt double.”
Opening line? I normally don’t start conversations because of my crippling fear of rejection.
Best date you’ve had? We went to a gin-tasting. Pretending to notice the subtle differences was fun.
What makes you swipe right? Nice eyes, nice skin and a funny bio.
What makes you swipe left? People who have pictures with drugged-up animals from their travels.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Live and work in London.”
Opening line? I tend to wait for people to message me.
Best date you’ve had? A really thoughtful date in a place called Corby.
What makes you swipe right? To be honest, it’s mostly about the photos.
What makes you swipe left? Body shots and selfies.
What’s your Tinder bio? “I’m leaving this blank intentionally, so you can judge me entirely on my looks.”
Opening line?A Joey Tribbiani GIF.
Best date you’ve had? The one that ended up in me getting my boyfriend. He loves coffee as much as I do, and after brunch we ended up going for about six rounds of it. We stayed in that coffee shop for about three or four hours.
What makes you swipe right? A pretty face, blue eyes and a nice smile.
What makes you swipe left? Group photos and torso pictures.
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What’s your Tinder bio? Just my Instagram.
Opening line? The love-heart-eyes emoji. It works more than 50% of the time.
Best date you’ve had? I met up with a match in Bali. We spent two days going to dinner and the beach; it was like a romantic getaway with a total stranger. Short, but very sweet.
What makes you swipe right? Someone genuine.
What makes you swipe left? Fakeness.
What’s your Tinder bio? “Came in a black Benz, left in a white one.”
Opening line? I try and take something from their profile and ask a question based on that. I think it works – I don’t get ghosted too often.
Best date you’ve had? White-water rafting at the Olympic Stadium as a surprise. It was a really cool date.
What makes you swipe right? If they look wholesome.
What makes you swipe left? Anyone who just seems too into themselves.
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