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Want To Stop Cyber Attacks? Start With The Human Edge

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Cyber threats are becoming more and more sophisticated. Today, attackers leverage artificial intelligence (AI) to deploy damaging techniques and implement advanced algorithms to exploit vulnerabilities with greater efficiency. They use tools like WormGPT to automate social engineering and inject malicious data to corrupt the functionality of AI systems within organizations.

Too often, organizations overlook the importance of preparing their people for such attacks. When properly prepared, teams and individuals can be an organization’s best ally in the fight against cyber attacks. The consequences of an unprepared workforce can be dire for the organization – making data more susceptible to attackers, increasing the likelihood of data breaches and broken brand reputations.

With human error responsible for 74% of breaches, over-reliance on tech stacks and basic check-box cyber training is inexcusable. Organizations need to urgently adopt new data-driven approaches to preparing their workforces for evolving cyber attacks.

Hone the Human Edge

Achieving the human edge over attackers requires teams with knowledge, skills, and judgment to respond effectively to a cyber crisis. To ensure your people are ready for the next threat, cyber drills and hands-on exercises must become as routine as fire drills.

Fire drills are effective because of the mock exercise component. Managers and employees enact the real-world motions that would be triggered in the event of a fire – they don’t watch a video or take a test; they practice.

This hands-on approach commits the associated actions to muscle memory, making them reflexive if a real crisis does occur. Leaders must apply the same approach to cybersecurity.

Hands-on cyber exercising is the only way to build cyber skills, preparedness, and vigilance throughout your organization. Practical experience allows employees to understand and respond to real-world threats effectively, enhancing their ability to identify and mitigate potential security breaches.

Six Steps to Achieve the Human Edge Over Attackers

Traditional approaches to cyber training are failing organizations across all industries, as they are often delivered ad hoc, unable to keep pace with the latest threats. These erratic sessions are often conducted via multiple-choice exams that favor completion over comprehension.

It’s no secret that there’s great power in learning by doing – so why are we still adopting a hands-off approach to cyber training?

Studies have shown that learners retain more information when they learn by doing. Hands-on training empowers employees to develop their cybersecurity skills and enhance their ability to detect and respond to threats, ultimately giving your organization the human edge over cyber risks.

Here’s how:

  • Implement targeted, role-specific immersive training to advance cybersecurity resilience and technical mastery,
  • Deploy dynamic cyber simulations to strengthen human response and transform threat mitigation,
  • Leverage data-driven learning to empower teams and evolve behaviors to build cyber resilience.
  • Enact cyber crisis drills to challenge teams while building important skills.
  • Ensure cyber exercises are woven into the fabric of your organization, so they become routine.
  • Measure capabilities and fill skills gaps.

Cyber resilience is key to a thriving business. Through ongoing, hands-on training, organizations gain the human edge against evolving cyber threats, protecting their assets and sensitive data. With proactive preparation, organizations can confidently face the future, ready to tackle every threat, every time.

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