letters to the editor 1

Letters to the Editor: Kimball Shinkoskey

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Letter to the editor,

After the huge Biden press conference, I sampled post-mortems to see if any commentator got the real takeaway. Nope.

Biden is mentally fine, even brilliant. But like any citizen well past retirement age, if you challenge his wit after a long working day and after a long work week (like at the first presidential debate), he, like me, will likely not be able to remember his own name.

However, let him get a good night’s sleep and he will slay dragons in the morning. That’s life on planet elderly, Mr. Wise Guy, and you missed it.

Supposedly loving fellow Dems and analysts, long playing nice by sticking with Biden through thick and thin, are showing their real colors. They (you) are sharks, lunging toward any blood in the water to try to advance your own personal interests.

Biden was more lucid and incisive and communicative on important issues than today’s once friendly 40 something and 50 something critics will ever be. Yup, he stumbled on a name, but his critics are stumbling on roadside IEDs in comparison.
I have no horse in this race. I am an independent so I’m merely reporting what a dispassionate voice should have seen.

Kimball Shinkoskey, Woods Cross, Utah

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